The Last Judgment with Zombies

by Teddy Miller

The 2010 Class envisioned a Zombie Apocalypse version of the Wakefield Last Judgment (Image Credit: Fee and Rakoff 2010)

Do you like Zombies? Do you like fog machines? Do you like when zombies do Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance with a fog machine going off? Then you’ll love the play “Judgment is GOOD” performed, written, directed, and starring Christopher Fee’s English 312 (Medieval Drama) class.  A play in which Jesus, played by Adam Clever, kicks some major zombie ass!

The play is a modernized version of the Wakefield’s “Last Judgment.” The “Last Judgment” is a biblical narrative in which all Hell breaks loose on Earth and Jesus returns to place judgment on the living and the dead; however, in Professor Fee’s version the class translated the play into a social commentary, which takes place during today’s financial trouble with a hint of zombie apocalypse.

Gordon Gekko, played by Jacob Henkoff, is a corrupt evil banker who Jesus forces to damnation and to ultimately live in Hell. Then Gekko takes on the role as Satan’s lead headhunter in which he is able to illustrate the evil comedic theatrics of medieval literature.

If you have been feeling the pressure of the financial collapse… well, come see “Judgment is GOOD” and Professor Fee’s Medieval Drama Class will show you how much worse things could be.  Or if you simply want to come see Ass Kicking Jesus kick some major Zombie ass that’s cool, too.

Stroll on over to the steps of Breidenbaugh for the first showing on Friday, April 30th at 4:00 PM.  Another showing of the play will commence on May 1st at 4:00 PM and be prepared to watch the best zombie apocalypse play this side of the mason Dixon line!

A Zombie Snarls in Response to the Trumpet of Doom on Judgment Day (Image Credit: Fee and Rakoff 2010)

Dated 04/29/10